Place any small object inside the bowl and replace lid. The object appears to float above the bowl!
Watch the fun as someone tries to grab the object!
Launch your lesson on sensation and perception, spark curiosity in the classroom, feed sensory stimulation, or generate fun in the Science Cave!
Stunning 3D visual holographic projection looks real, but you can’t touch it!
You’ll be mesmerized and captivated as ordinary objects are transformed into amazing holograms.
- Includes frog and complete instructions.
Explanation of the Phenomenon
The device is made of two concave mirrors facing one another. When the object is placed at the center of the bottom mirror, the curvature of the mirrors is such that that the object is at the focal point of the top mirror. When light from a point on the object hits the top mirror, it reflects parallel rays, which hit the bottom mirror and reflect to reassemble and form a point located one focal length from the bottom mirror. Since the focal point of the bottom mirror is located at the hole in the top of the device, the light from every point on the object is assembled into an image in the hole. The image produced is known as a real image, because the light that forms it passes through the location of the image.