Sabertooth Tiger Skull (Replica)


An absolutely incredible collector’s item for every dinosaur or paleontology enthusiast and an impressive addition to the classroom or your Science Cave!

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An absolutely incredible collector’s item for every dinosaur or paleontology enthusiast and an impressive addition to the classroom or your Science Cave!

Until about 10,000 years ago, the Saber Tooth Tiger  was a fearsome predator!  Its enormous canines, or “sabers,”  protruded inches below its chin line when its jaws were closed.  During that time, tar pits were a natural and deadly feature of the landscape. Animals became stuck and would sink into the asphalt and die. In the La Brea tar pits of California, more than 3,000 fossilized cats have been pulled from the acrid ooze.  In fact, the Saber Tooth Tiger is the second most common fossil mammal found in the La Brea tar pits, making it the official California State fossil.  Although they are related to modern cats, no real descendants of the saber tooth cat are alive today.

  • Cast from high grade resin.
  • Dark brown antique finish.
  • Museum quality.